Sunday, October 14, 2018

CIA Slavery Mode in 21st Century & Ongoing MKultra

The issue with the CIA is a touchy subject, barely anyone discusses today, including Presidents and Congress. It's almost as if no one is allowed to talk about their wrongdoing and harm to human beings. Why is that?

Are they so evil and ruthless that no one can discuss or do anything about their evils and crimes? Are they so tyrannical that they don't have to make amends to people they have harmed? Is government that busy that it will overlook millions of lives affected, deaths in families, brutal wars amongst groups of people, or consistently allow them to reign with immunity and serve ruthless interests by barring court lawsuits and a justice reform system that disqualifies evil CIA attempts to control society in ways that undermine the highest ethics?

I should think government should be on top of this issue day in and out, after all, what's the sense in government if a tyrannical ruthless agency is going to undermine everything America is supposed to stand for?

The MKultra experiments is a long senseless ceaseless story of criminality involving CIA so terrible, long, and hideous; one may understand that the CIA within itself perpetrated a war against Americans using some of the most evil and underhanded methods of control, that trying to lure Americans out of this barbarity and horror is going to take a long time. After all, most Americans don't like to believe that their own government could be that evil; it's like telling a mother her own son just murdered and tortured thousands of people when she thought he was a smiling cherub.

The CIA conducted 149 massive huge-scaled unethical experiments on the American people that involved torture, mind-control, druggings, war, and ethnic clashes.

For instance, the CIA throughout the 50s on forward were predominantly White Christian men who did not approve nor like Black society, Jewish Society, or Hispanic society.  As far as they were concerned as a cult (backed by government status); every one of those groups were meant to be slaves to their will or purpose and didn't have a right to be in America or enjoy happiness.

They would run games that turned groups of people against each other including families.  They did so many crimes and torture, it's no wonder that all of them weren't locked up for good inside a prison where they should have been all this time unable to perpetrate any more crimes.

While people believed that CIA were looking out for their best interests, they were not; they were inflicting terrible suffering on the American people by the millions, destroying livelihoods, running slave trades, promoting child prostitution, murdering fathers, brothers, and uncles; robbing people, lying to people, using people as slaves to do their bidding and then blaming other countries for America's problems.

You cannot forgive some of the things they did to people no matter how much of a Jesus worshipper you are; these are unforgivable crimes to not be forgotten NOR FORGIVEN.

There are numerous undercover crimes that have committed upon the American people that everyone should know about and be aware of. I can only begin to ski the surface, but will provide info and articles for the purpose of educating the public; so that these crimes do not take place again; although, I am skeptical if the CIA will ever cease doing underhanded acts; as of yet, the CIA has not been held fully accountable for the harm and destruction they have caused Americans.

Links are provided for study material; to teach in colleges, high schools, and more and to help law enforcement understand the solid criminal nature and background of CIA members so they too can take legal action.

Lawsuits should surface and judges need to stand with the American people, which is the real power.

CIA members used psychiatry to discredit people and their families. They subjected those they did not like to terrible hideous mind altering psychiatric treatments that disabled them and destroyed their lives. They labeled perfectly normal healthy men and women with labels, such as "paranoid schizophrenic" so that anything they said concerning the illegal crimes and experiments to others would be discredited and they would be called, "Crazy" or "insane" WHEN IN FACT NONE WERE insane or crazy.  This was especially so for those who may have been aware of the illegal Nazi-like experiments, such as doctors who worked in the military, air force, service men or women, every member of their families, nurses, secretaries who worked at military hospitals or offices, and so forth.

I know, because my family became a victim, after my dad, then a normal MD intent on saving lives and healing people entered the US Air Force in Texas to service our country. The rest of the story is a tragedy and unbearable. We became a target and some of my family members were either murdered or tortured. I was tortured by the CIA at ten years old and a string of serious offences took place against me by CIA members throughout my childhood.

I know what they did, how they did some of it, and am a legal witness to their varied crimes.

The CIA intent on controlling all society to do their bidding and will and not to deviate from the extremist insane agenda was the real aim. They distributed hard core drugs to children at elementary schools and young kids in high school all over the USA. They manufactured LSD and other drugs and handed them out like cookies anywhere they could, especially in areas where the poor lived or minority groups lived.  They raped and kidnapped little girls and tried to turn them into mindless bodies to their illegal will. They terrorized families and mothers, children, and did it so secretly that most people wouldn't even suspect it was CIA members all along. They had their own garbage company and posed as garbage men and would also rob people's residences of anything they chose; whether it was any sort of film footage from army bases, or written works and tapes.  Anything they could do to hide their crimes from the public they would do and that included MURDERING Dr. Olson who they pushed off the 13th floor after they suspected he wasn't going to keep any secrets secret long.

They turned everyday normal children and adults into vegetables using psychiatry.  They would hand out diagnoses that didn't even exist and still DO NOT, such as "chemical imbalance". They would easily come up with this diagnoses without any scientific testing knowing nothing at all what was going on in the brain of a person. If they were from a family suspected of knowing any of their crimes, they became a target. Once they had the person inside a psychiatric facility they would bombard the person with electric shock to the brain to cause them to "forget" anything, experiment and feed them masses of doses of LSD, drugs, and all types of drugs to cause them confusion, despair, terror, and most of the time managed to turn healthy functional teens, children, and adults into terrorized humans who thought and acted like 2 year olds incapable of gaining power through earning money, incapable of concentration, incapable of going to school and learning (gaining knowledge, therefore power); incapable of discussing anything political or newsworthy, and incapable of standing up for anyone's rights, let alone their own.

The psychiatric industry worked right alongside the CIA and in fact, much of the psychiatric industry were CIA employees although the public did not know it.  They fed patients something called, "antipsychotics" in huge doses; which do nothing to cure anything but cause hallucinations, weakness, lethargy, loss of energy, lack of vigor, and make them lose touch with reality.  If you have ever used an mind altering chemical of any sort, you may understand the criminal intent and the severe crimes these druggings are and were.

The CIA targeted children, that is little girls who they were intent on turning into prostitutes to do their bidding; little girls who would grow up screwing and messing with those they needed info from.  They basically stole children from their mothers, terrorized them, tortured them, strangled, subjected them to hideous crimes, then would threaten their families if they told anyone.

This was a typical CIA M.O. and whether you believe it or not: I am witness to this and insist, you face the truth now.

They tried to change the brain functions of people through the use of LSD thinking that it would help their slaves be able to see beyond time and space to spy on enemies for them.  LSD caused the boundaries of everyday existence to cease because the mind is much more capable than most people know.  They were such sick cowards, that they used people like slaves against their wills and without permission as their slaves because they didn't want to do the work themselves. Thousands of paid CIA members taking slaves everywhere in the USA without pay, without permission, with criminal intent, and through terror acts all because a bunch of lazy psycho extremist racist fucking maniacs didn't want to do the work necessary protecting the country themselves.

They terrorized and harmed, murdered and sickened so many Americans but when it came time to protect America from foreign invaders they sat there doing nothing; yet, the American people were paying the CIA to protect Americans from foreign invaders and harm. Doesn't make much ethical sense now, does it?

Public sharing states that the CIA MKultra experiments went on until 1973, but this is a fallacy.  The Rockefeller Commission only pulled some covers at that time and Richard Helms, the head director destroyed millions of CIA documents to cover his list of heinous crimes as well in 1973, but the illegal criminal experiments continued after 1973.

In fact, afterwards the CIA invested in crack cocaine and started promoting and distributing this drug in prominent Black neighborhoods in the 1980s.  They were funding the Contra war using monies made in Black neighborhoods and didn't mind people falling ill or the war and fighting the drug caused.

But, like I said naive people love to believe that the government is really interested in their white picket fence, their well being, their lives and so forth. Some of the time, yes, there are politicians who take the right road, are on the right side of God, do the right thing and think of the best overall well being of others, but the CIA has a huge bad rap and has not been reformed.

The immense slave mentality the CIA has today, and this is 2018 is very real. They use "slaves" who they owe money to but deprive monies, pay, and more. Their overall mentality is heinous and despicable, immoral and because there are no secret courts they find it easy to get away with many crimes.  A secret court means, someone can walk into a court and do a lawsuit, but according to the rules one cannot say names of people who work for the CIA so it's easy for them to get off on many crimes. Much of the time, the slave won't even know the real names of CIA officials, because they use fake names as covers.  People who work for government want to empower government over the people, even if it means sacrificing goodness, honesty, morality, ethics, and justice. This goes for all Presidents thus far in office, of course all males who still bow and bend to CIA types of disethics and immorality as they did when the CIA were killing, murdering, drugging up, torturing, kidnapping, and robbing Americans.

The main issue is educating people so they no longer bow and bend to tyrants nor learn to patronize evil; this is one way to enlighten and help Americans progress.
Also, it's a good idea to start educating Psychiatric and psychological students who plan on a plan that undermines ethics and morality in America.  To blindly use unethical tactics on patients such as drugging, electric shock, and other forms of torture is blase and out of style these days.  None of their drugs nor procedures have ever so called "cured" anyone, but typically disable patients even more so so that they turn into semi or full blown disabled conditions and states of being. Feeding a patient with a handful of antipsychotics does nothing to help a patient recover; it only profits psychiatrists and pill corporations.

Teaching a semi barbaric race of beings to progress to higher ground is going to take time, education, experience, understanding, and yes, empathy though. Having patience is a virtue for it will take many years to change our society to uphold our innate laws that live within us: All are created equal, child, woman, and man; no one deserves slavery; torture is not the best way to handle human beings or animals; drugs are oft time unnecessary; there are much higher standards involved with protecting a nation and THAT DOES NOT INCLUDE TORTURING AND DISREGARDING YOUR OWN CITIZENS TO DO SO, and so much more.

Read, understand, study, and share. Unfortunately, most of your US colleges and Universities are still held down in secret mode and won't teach their students about the hideous immoral MKultra experiments and the diabolical & underhanded psychiatric industry. They want robots to keep perpetrating harm to profit their own coffiers and to enrich pill manufacturing corporations who have done nothing to cure any one of any mental so called illness.  Personally, most don't even exist and doctors know nothing about the brain in a way that would bring them up to full ethics and morality. You cannot understand the human soul and spirit just by slicing and dicing things apart or putting them under the microscope. You cannot invent a pill cure for being tortured, raped, robbed, strangled with pills and electric shock or silly labels. You can put someone into a sleep with drugs, make them see pink elephants and see the waves of sound moving around; but can you really control people non stop through torture in America?

This is up to everyone involved, the naive as well who still would like to believe that every US agency has their best interests in mind. I wish it were so. You can't force barbarian criminals to become free thinking, upstanding, completely moral, and empathetic progressed human beings overnight.

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