Friday, December 15, 2017

David Lee Roth Running With the Devil & THE REAL TRUTH

Since I was 14 years old David Lee Roth, lead singer of an unknown Van Halen was chasing after little girls, although he was a full mature grown adult at the time. My friends from school talked me into going to the Starwood one night to see their band although I wasn't really interested at all.

I played music myself and already started writing music and singing by the time I was four years old.  I also did a Cream photo session with Brad Elterman at that time as a teenage model and musician.

I'm not going to mention any of these little girls names here but if law enforcement needs their names I can tell it to them.

David found out I was a pretty little girl and got one of the girls who he used to lure me to him so he could rape me. He was renown at that time for taking advantage of little girls and obtained all sorts of favors from those who were not in his age bracket.

The issue was I didn't even like the idea of seeing him and when I did see him he looked like a terrorist, dressed in black leather, like some sort of insane sadist with his ass hanging out. It was frightening to say the least.  I was not impressed by him at all.  The rest of the night was a nightmare.  I found out he lied to all the "kiddies" and club goers he knew and told them that another big star was going to be there, Robert Plant and Led Zeppelin so the word would get out and he could fill the club. He used Zeppelin a lot to lie to people. All these people would be standing there in the club rooms waiting for Led Zeppelin and out comes David Lee Roth and his Van Halen instead. No great mega rock star ever showed up to play.

Later on, after a number of years went by we met up again and this time I was working on my own album. I had just come back from another country and decided to record an album.  I had maybe 3 jobs trying to pay for album recording and used to dance in clubs for a little change.  Roth stalked me at those clubs and although I changed clubs a lot and there were many of them, my friends would tell me at times, "hey David was here the other night and he seemed peeved and was looking for you".

Roth became furious that I was playing in a band with males and performing as well where there were plenty of males that I enjoyed. I started to get strange phone calls from him and those he paid to call me with some really psycho messages that were filled with hostility, anger, hatred, and threats.

I made my own album and tried to make peace with him and got a hold of his office staff and sent a hundred special roses and art to try to get him off his hatred charade.  I had to keep working various jobs to survive and had started my own record label.

The jealousy and possessiveness went on and on with Roth.  I wrote a script and still tried to get him to stop hating me and calling me with hate stuff.  The script contained Lady Liberty from New York with my face on it.  It was sometime in the future that the scene took place when he recognized my rights and who I was.  There was more to it. I also filmed troves of music video footage and at that time the editing was really expensive, not like today.  But it was hard on me. I put some of out on public cable and certain stations but it never went big. One of them I was walking on Hollywood Blvd all dressed in silver sparkles in a costume, really sweet and innocent grabbing a flyer posted on a post about Gazzarri's having a singing contest. It was all part of my music video.  From that scene and my script Roth wrote Yankee Rose and other songs.

He would never admit who was the muse inspiration and how he used and exploited me for his self centeredness, but he felt that because he was singing about me around the world that I was his possession somehow and in his mind I wasn't allowed to have friends, work with men, be sexy and enjoy life, or gain my economic independence. He only helped male bands and never my various bands but went around bragging about me at certain parties where his friends told me he was handing out my tapes to people for the heck of it.  Those were people who didn't have the power to sign me or get me working though.

I was supposed to wait around alone year after year with no friends, no work, no money, starving to death just so his ego could be groomed.  What an insane maniac. He forced extreme poverty in my life while he rake in hundreds of millions in profits using me, without my consent, and feeding his business investment portfolios.

I had a new boyfriend, had to work dancing, and also went to work in various offices for very little pay.  But he was busy making many many millions off of me using me like his slave and never even bothered to thank me.

He also was not an honest man nor could I ever trust him in any way knowing that almost everything he sung or said was a lie or filled with narcissistic egocentric imbecility.  He became furious about my then friend and sort of boyfriend who happened to know his then manager and called his manager to discuss merchandise, because my friend was doing merchandising.  All of a sudden he starts getting threats and I start getting very strange angry phone calls.

One night in fact, Roth called me and I finally answered personally although at that time I did not have caller ID.  He told me: "When are we getting married" and at that time, he was also fooling around as usual with a girl named Susan.
He said it as if he was the authority on my life as well so I simply hung up on him. He had been drinking as usual and probably was busy snorting his cocaine too as he usually was known to do.

At this point I didn't know he was also a rapist and pedophile, but he called me non stop; whereas I just kept hanging up. I didn't want to talk because there was nothing to discuss.  I couldn't marry an abuser who sidestepped my career and tried and did ruin it and I wouldn't marry an egocentric louse who wouldn't or couldn't keep his penis in his pants either.

He became enraged and furious and sought retaliation. The rest is a serious tragedy and very hard to sort out and discuss. He started to stalk me more but also started to make false police reports on me. He went around to companies telling executives he knew I'd be trying to do business with many falsities and made up lies, so they would not do business with me.  He made up so much insane garbage and things I never even thought of or could ever do. He made up statements such as telling them I had "murdered a man", that I had "charged his credit card", that I had "beat him up".  I had never thought the thought let alone actually do any of these acts. Additionally, he could never show any evidence I had done any of this. If I had charged his credit card he would have been able to present a receipt. He never had a receipt because I have never even seen his credit card(s) and he had never spent a penny on me, although he made hundreds of millions of profits on tours using me as his exploited muse for much of his song repertoire; that is, I had to work being harassed by his daily muse ritual abusing me for his heinous greed and evil and all while I and my family struggled in dire poverty and distress. He never once thought a fair thought that would treat me as an equal and he would never think of empowering me, because empowering women was and is beyond his mental capabilities.

To add to the dilemma, after he falsely accused me in a court of law and as he was committing perjury and felonies, he had the audacity to try and get me to pay for the court case, demanding that I pay his lawyer. I didn't even have $100 dollars and was so poverty stricken, I was in terrible depression and sadness, yet Roth could only think of his god awful greed and intolerable unbearable ruthless seven deadly sin obsession: Greed and Cruelty. For years after he would threaten me through an almost daily ritual, threatening to rob me for "futures" that is if I earned anything, he would make up some type of fabrication to steal it from me. He just couldn't get enough money, even though he had a mansion that was too large for him, other properties, hidden monies in tax shelters, investment portfolios, and was sitting on maybe $150 million with much in liquid cash. 

He was like a tornado or level 5 hurricane who would blow my every innocent minded trust away; he was like a war that burst through my life for no known reason other than hatred and greed and blind madness or insanity, no rhyme, no reason, paranoid & mentally ill making up illusions and thriving off the worship of fans. He did all this while mocking and berating me for being raped, poor, struggling, mocked me for singing, loving my god given talents, music, writing songs, or just simply enjoying myself.  In Roth's view, he became the worse when I was enjoying myself as if there was some constitutional law against enjoying myself. He lied and lied again. He just could not tell the truth!  Everything that spewed out of his mouth became a lie, an over dramatization, a paranoid psychotic rambling of made up garbage. He had such a hatred for me even though I never did anything to him to cause it; I realized it was all because he was trying to distance me from the fact that he was busy raping and sadistically doing violence against children.

The horrible thing about it is because I was not a big star, didn't have wealth, and was unknown they believed him simply based on his fame and fortune at that time.  It was like Hitler said so, so it must be.

He went into a madness that I can't explain. I was at that time working as the President's Secretary at ASCAP, which is a music licensing corporation that does the royalties for many famous musicians around the world.  It was a very unique position. Roth called my boss and made something up and the next thing I knew I was being fired.

I was already living in poverty, having had financed whatever I could on my album, which took years to record and the 12 music videos that went with it. It was really hard paying for anything concerning it, including costumes, filming, set rental and so forth.  It took every dime I just about had and I was living in the old Richmond Hotel on sunset which wasn't even a habitable place with no heat or air and no kitchen or showers. There were rats in the kitchen. There were only little office rooms, which were not legally habitable.

ASCAP didn't pay me much, but I was out of work with rent I had to pay either way and no money left for much food. I lived on a sandwich a day for about 3 years.  I started to faint at times and ambulances came. I was afraid.  I ended up at St. Joseph's hospital where they found out I had malnutrition and was close to dying because I was missing out.

Here I was about giving my life for the music business and here was the music business filled with unscrupulous mostly males who pushed women around and thought of women as discards.  I went to every label repeatedly trying to get a music deal and it was usually the same scenario:  They would humiliate me openly when they called me into meetings, attack me sexually, harass me, and make me feel like I was supposed to be their sex slave instead.  I had met up with some of the most renowned A&R executives and music moguls in the business at that time.  Every single solid one of them had the same aberration.

Although I had promoted my own two albums to radio stations all around the country, distributed product to stores and so forth, I just couldn't get over the hump of despair and desperation for economic security.  No one would loan me the money to make the albums famous, yet all the executives I had met with had the money, but felt I was supposed to be a sex slave instead for their unusual whims.

That, and I approached countless famous bands at that time hoping that at least one would let me open to earn monies or just give me a chance by telling their label to sign me.  It was no go. I received so many rejection letters from most major management companies that I could wallpaper my floor with them and trample on them or dance. None of them were into hiring or helping women musicians or artists out; the only ones they pushed were other male bands, all male: No females allowed.

The only two females I knew working at a major label did accept a listen to my product after calling them: Rachel Matthews and Nancy Jeffries at Capital Records.  But, in the weeks that followed I found out that Roth went over there and was recording.  Nancy and Rachel told me later. He went over there and started blasting lies about me to Rachel and Nancy. He told them that I had killed a man and had beaten him up (an outright lie) and not to sign me.  They didn't.

When I called Rachel up at Capital to see what she thought of my album, she yelled and screamed at me, without even asking me if it were a lie or truth: "You beat David Lee Roth up, you killed a man." Before I could say anything she hung up on me. When I spoke to Nancy Jeffries the same sort of scenario took place but this time she told me that David was at the studio and told everyone this: "She beat me up and killed a man. Don't sign her". 

I never touched David Lee Roth in a violent manner, never struck him, never even had the thought of violence about or towards him. I wasn't interested in violence and those type of thoughts weren't in my life. I was only interested in working, making music, doing art, making music videos, having friends, and love. I also never killed a man in my life nor anyone for that matter. He made up a lie to suit his ego and power trip he used to oppress and ruin any chance of a career or livelihood.

I did not have much knowledge concerning my rights in those days. In other words, I could have found a lawyer and sued him for many millions of dollars for slander and defamation, but he slipped through the cracks of justice because of my economic weakness: You mostly have to purchase justice at a huge price in America, that or become a lawyer--not an easy ordeal especially studying under misogynistic evil-minded male professors who are not progressive enough at times to teach law in a progressive society or backwards women for that matter.

The facts were were that David was the violent madman. At the Palace he ordered his 300 pound thug guard to assault me on the side of the club where no one was looking.  Roth would hire guys to do this stuff for him. He had no reason for it, but because I looked sexy and was talking to some press guys he became jealous and enraged.  His guard hurt me and a part of my body still suffers today. I may even have to get surgery a specialist has told me and I've endured pain shots.  Still no justice.

I knew that the police during that time would not support a female poor person and Roth was famous and powerful in the height of his career. He could do anything and get away with it in this country, a misogynistic evil society at times. I felt I had no recourse. I just went home to my office room, cried and kept on writing new music and playing piano.  I looked for work and ended up in two week jobs or working for extremely low paying abusive male bosses where I couldn't even stay.

Within this time period I was brutally raped by five criminals and almost killed. Roth called me up and mocked me as well. He doubled up by kicking me when I was down right after I survived the rape and kidnapping, which was preplanned. Until this day some people speculate whether he hired them.  It was all set up prior.  The details on that incident were horrific.  He was known to hire thugs and illegal sort of security, the kind that picked up drugs for him, stood by while he snorted and did drugs, picked up women for him,  terrorized victims that Roth forced into weird sex scenes that they didn't know they would get into prior to being in his bedroom with his guard, which I found out about later. This guard, named Big Ed was a real thug with no real security know how and no overall training as to human rights, children's rights, and women's rights.

Roth was busy counting the millions he made off of exploiting me through his songs though.  He wouldn't stop though and kept it up for years until I finally filed a restraining order simply telling him that I didn't want to be used for his profits and shows, so I tried to put my foot down and set my boundaries.  He was furious and went insane when I had him served with this order when he was playing at the House of Blues one night. He just couldn't get it.  Women were not always into being his sex slaves and weren't made to empower and make him profits, especially me.

He became enraged too that my songs were not about him and I was playing out with different male musicians, including Justin Tyme.  He hated the fact that I was doing music and playing out because he felt that only men should be allowed to do that and only he should be able to enjoy life, applause, economic freedom, and all the benefits of being famous: Maids, cars, houses, exotic trips around the world, being able to support family members, buy them cars, have a slew of lawyers, be able to purchase justice and use the court to fraud people, lie, persecute the innocent, or just do anything he liked whether it was purchasing a hooker for the night, or rape children.  It was all about rock stardom and fame for him. He didn't have to think about how others felt, what they said or wrote, what rights they had legally, or about any form of respect; he was a huge rock star and society paid him heftily to trample all over anyone he chose on on his whims.

His big shows were important to society no matter what he spewed out and societies around the world supported his misogyny, hatred of women, crimes against girls and women, and his crimes against me.  They applauded and just about worshipped him.  Many other men were jealous because Roth could hire a slew of prostitutes around him and could act like he needed no one, especially any woman.  That was misogynist society. His gold records gave him the legal rights as far as they were concerned to fraud courts, to beat women up, to rape children, to harm anyone he chose.

Frauding the court is what he did do.  He even hired two mafia thugs to do crime within and outside the court at another terrible period of my life, mafia thugs who he hired to harm me and put me in dangerous circumstances.  It was such a horrible time in American history, that a Beverly Hills judge who many know, although he knew and refused Roth's crimes in court, let them simply walk out of court not handcuffed or put away as they all should have been.

We finally got to the point where it was agreed. I was living with another man and was engaged.  Roth was going to leave me alone & I was never going to try to make any peace with him again or hope he would change. It was the end and I was relieved. It was setting in a court in Beverly Hills.  So what does he do instead of honoring the law and our agreements? He comes out with another album about and to me, this time it was the Satan album with his inner soul artwork on the cover, an image of Satan himself.  He honored nothing: No life, no one's rights, my privacy, my rights, our court agreement, or his agreement. He was incapable of abiding by the law.

He was obsessed with me and here I was planning to marry a man and actually pregnant. The issue was the album was intense and the man I was with was also a jealous man and became enraged one day finding the Roth was still trying to lure me into his domain and focused on me night and day.  The guy also went mad and beat me up one day while I was pregnant.  He just simply went into a state that I can't explain and there was no outright reason for it.  It was as if Mr. Satan Roth had possessed him and took remote control of him, because he started doing very strange things. But Roth was busy doing his Satanic album obsessed with me, while he just walked out of court lying to himself, G-d, and the judge about everything. He was incapable of being honest. It's a hard reality where everything someone says is a lie, including the thousands of falsehoods online he pays for to promote his lies. He can never be honest or truthful and it's part of his personality.  It would be like he was being good to be good, honest, and truthful or humble and that would ruin his rock star image.

Either way, I ended up in two hospitals where they said they were trying to save my baby but lost my child.

He wanted to talk to me but would do it through his albums. The Satan album was the worse but so was the Yankee Rose album done in two languages, my father's native language and English.  It was nothing to be proud of and more of a control tactic than anything else.  Why could he have a hit and me not be allowed to, by the way?  How could I ever respect a man who claimed he loved me who did not love my happiness, my success, or my freedom. He tried to take me as his hostage only and that is what he thought was love.

The other problem was stalking.  I have told this factual historical story to some but others didn't know. I was working on a production, a stage play involving civil rights with a group of artists.  It was a huge ordeal and I took a chance being the Associate Producer and did a number of other jobs wearing various hats because of budget issues.  I lived with them while making the play too.  One night I went out and went out with a new friend of mine, a male who was graduating law school. We went out together to the Rainbow Bar and Grille, a spot I had frequented since I was 16 years old.  There was dancing upstairs and pizza downstairs. I knew the owner Mario who invited me into the kitchen many a time to have a midnight snack. I knew Tony the bouncer who was there often time and they all knew I loved to dance.

But that night, Slash was there with his girlfriend or a woman from Guns N Roses. He had been a friend of my cousins before he was famous and my other long time friend who owned Cantor's Restaurant had financed their first album.  I was busy talking to Slash and had invited him to our production party with his then girlfriend. Behind me, I hear a loud grouchy voice: It was Roth. He had seen me talking to Slash and decided to cause some mayhem. My date was upstairs in the restroom as well. Roth waited until my date left my side to attack.

I turned around and a little shocked. I wasn't about to invite Roth to our private party which involved Black Civil Rights either.  Slash was interested and happy to speak with me.  Roth grabbed my hand, "Hey Yankee Rose" he called me, and for a minute he seemed a little nice.  In a split instant though after grabbing my hand to shake it, he started to yell. It was almost as if he was schizophrenic or on some sort of really bad drug. He started to yell at Slash and said: "She charged my credit card". I never used a dime of his money nor have ever held his credit card nor charged his credit card. I didn't even know what credit card he used.  He started to yell more and tried to make Slash not like me and caused a huge scene. I told him, "calm down" and touched his arm lightly and he then ordered two of his hired guards to attack me.  These two took me outside forcefully and without any legal consideration and beat me up at around midnight outside the club terrorizing and harming me.

I was so traumatized and shocked and was afraid to find my date inside or go back in. My date was driving and I was left with no way home and was terrified to wait there for him.  I went to my bank to withdraw my last $60.00 the only money left in my name at a Teller up the street on Sunset Blvd. I got a cab.
The cab driver, also attacked me. When we got to Culver City he pulled on the side of a dark road next to a freeway and tried rape me. It was horrific.  I had to give him all my money to get him to stop. By the time I arrived at the producer's house I was so sick and shaking so hard, she called the police.  I can't remember after that too much but the trauma became too much with all the crimes: Roth's crimes, his thugs' crimes, the middle eastern taxi cab driver's crimes and a system that would do nothing about it.

The police took the report but took no action. They all should have been imprisoned with time given them, every one of them: Roth, his two mafia thug hit men, and the middle eastern taxi cab driver. Slash who was completely lazy also should have stood up for what was right, which he didn't being the lazy drunk "rock star" he was.  He should have at least found out if I was ok, but I know that rock stars are used to women and girls being abused and would support those behaviors as onlookers pretending the abuse does not exist, because of the silent consensus that goes against the rights of girls and women.

After that, Roth had the audacity to make a false fraudulent police report. He claimed that I had beat him up at the Rainbow Bar & Grille that evening and made a huge drama out of fraudulent story he made up; it was the other way around.  I knew there was also video inside the Rainbow Bar & Grille as well. But, the next thing I know is I'm getting arrested on false charges. Ten police men with huge guns come to my tiny abode and pulled shotguns pointing them at my head. I fainted. Roth made up more lies, criminal lies, committing serious felonies by making false government reports, and using his rage and simple jealousy as a motive to commit serious felonies.  It was hideous and all during my Civil Rights production.  Thank Gd the production crew stuck by me and the head producer and writer knew exactly what was going on. Without even being there she knew that he was making false allegations and was trying to hinder the Civil Rights Production somehow. He knew all about this production and simply did not like the idea of Civil Rights, period, for Black citizens or girls and women.  I was really important because I handled like five or seven jobs for them.

Yeah sure: I beat up two six foot something Mafia thug guards with my bare hands and a man who leans over me in weight and size and has 30 years of martial arts training, David Satan Roth and all carry some sort of weapons.  Who did he think was going to believe that though? Did he think he was living in the 1950s South where Martin Luther King Jr. marched? Did he think he was one of Hitler's 3rd Reich leaders and could do whatever he wanted? Did he think that no one saw the truth, when there were 100 or more guests there, including Slash who saw everything inside the club that night and his girlfriend? Did Roth really feel that he could twist the law to suit his whims and criminal personality to completely destroy such a great woman? Who the hell did he think he was anyways? Roth actually felt so emboldened and powered because of his Rock star fame and fortune that he did actually believe that 100 people or potential witnesses would keep quiet, that Slash had the complete criminal mind he had, that his girlfriend wasn't going to state the truth as to what she witnessed, that Mario would somehow hide the witness video inside his club, and that a judge in Beverly Hills was simply going to empower him further in his criminal escapades. Roth actually believed that he could do any crime whenever he wanted and to anyone just because he was a rock star! That is what rock star fame helped him become.

I suffered badly and became ill as I sat in jail waiting to see the judge. The jail cell was filthy and horrific. I got jaundice and there was other horrific horrible crimes going on inside by the so called authorities. In fact, I met one black young woman there who by law was supposed to see the judge by the third day, but because of her skin color, they didn't even bother to allow her any legal recourse and had her locked up in there for a month instead. There are laws in California and the USA then and today. They broke them. They did stuff to me, crimes, which I'll discuss another time. Although I was completely innocent, I was guilty in the system's view until proven innocent. It's supposed to be the other way around and I was and am innocent. I ended up spending two weeks in jail until I could be "heard".  He was trying to murder me without having to take the blame.  Sure thing: Make a hundred million dollars in profits using and exploiting me then get rid of me somehow so no one finds out what you did.  Never be responsible towards anyone, including those you exploited and used for your fame and fortune, a nice Hitlerine disethic which relates to forcing Jewish people into horrific ghettos, forcing them to serve baking eachother in live huge ovens, starving them to death, depriving them medical care, subjecting them to horrific medical experiments, forcing them to serve as sex slaves for Nazi gustapos, and so forth. Roth/Hitler...Hitler/Roth ....Why is that such a common yet hateful comparison these days. It was not like that 20 years ago with President Clinton or anyone prior.

But, here I was sitting in jail for no real reason and just because a man was jealous and a misogynist.  I did nothing, broke no law, and didn't even think of a crime in my mind at all. I was clear, clean, sober, on a date doing nothing to no one. I was an associate producer for a civil rights play and production which was an immense amount of work. I was dedicated.

By the time I got to see the judge in Beverly Hills, Roth had hired two Italian Mafia thugs to walk into a court of law and lie, perjure and make false allegations for him. The two huge sized Italian thugs walked into court and the look on their faces told me they were paid very well to do about any crime Roth asked of them prior. The judge saw the same thing.  He thought the judge was that stupid. Fortunately, the judge saw the lies right away. He looked into my eyes and saw the truth as if the truth floated like Gd himself as a spirit that passed between me and the judge: The truth, a light, lighter than love, a light that opens your eyes and soul, that lets in life in a way that can only resolve the darkness of hatred and evil. The light of the truth is something you cannot deny ever no matter how much you lie in word or deed: You still must live with the truth. Your soul knows the truth within...if you knew that same soul is connected to everyone.  It's the soul of truth, G-d, light, the aha creative moment of honesty and being alive.

Either way, I was sick but the judge looked at the bastards and Roth and said: "This woman didn't hurt a fly".

But, I learned something: I learned how people such as Roth treated our Black citizens throughout history at times. I learned a TRUTH of horrific reality: Liars like Roth may live in America and are committing crimes. Black innocent people have been locked up in jail for no reason other than being kind, honest, decent, respecting, and abiding by the law. I learned how men in America did crimes to women throughout American history too and only because they did not believe in freedom, they wanted female slaves to serve their whims and needs, and wanted to keep women as desperate housewives, sex slaves, walking on glass and eggshells without any legal clout or power, without recourse, without choice, and without educations and careers. What would that mean for men if women had equal pay, equal monies to purchase justice, equal face space on American currency, equal political clout, equal radio airplay, and so forth? Would it mean the downfall of mankind or would it mean that man has finally been educated enough to respect and call mankind? You make the decision.

But, these crimes did happen to me.

He didn't stop there though, but I have to stop for now.  There is more, much more. I met and communicated with just some of his other hurt victims, children who were raped, women who were forced into unbearable and intolerable sexual escapades, musicians who he made absolutely ill, and more. It's a small world at times and people do come together sometimes for a reason.

We did win 22 awards for our play production, "One My Valentine" which was all about Civil Rights. It was really hard making that play production.  I played a small role in it and sang a song with a beautiful vocalist too, Ebony & Ivory with Tina Fields.  I played the role of a business woman in a huge corporation on a low ladder going against a huge monstrous white corporate executive chain who try to deprive a Black man of his rightful promotion.

I won two of those awards from a small org. called The Southern California Motion Picture Council.  All the board members came to see the play and sat in the audience. There was a full house every night of the play as well.

I didn't make any money either cause anything we made just supported the rentals and some food.

What I disliked about the press at one point:  L.A. Times had a writer call me during my troubles with Roth. But, they refrained from the truth and slanted their lingo towards Roth for he was rich famous and who was I? Not bankrolled.  It was really upsetting when I read the story and they treated me like an object, a nobody with no history, no rights, no entertainment contributions, nothing. They just licked Roth's ass up and down and deprived me any sort of recourse. I cried much.

I learned from that point that no one in the press is ever going to mess with me again or deprive me my rights, my contributions to society, or ever uphold an evil misogynist rapist, liar, criminal, drug addict, and yes, pedophile again.  I know that even the press or its journalists still didn't learn honesty in reporting and will judge by money over what is right at times.  Shame on you L.A. Times for your disgusting display of misogyny and criminal power.

My uncle Solomon was an editor there and unless you gain Solomon's wisdom you are nothing, just nothing and your journalists are a bunch of morons scrounging out lies or creating evil to suit an evil purpose; you are part of the problem and not the solution. You patronized a criminal madman because he was a rock star even though he harmed people, hired and used mafia, raped children, violated women, did and purchased large amounts of drugs, ran an underground kitty nightclub after hours to lure in children so he could rape certain ones of his choice or con them, and more.  It's unfortunate that my Uncle Sol passed away too.  He was probably the only decent team member for that paper and would have straightened your wrong information out if he had known.

I understand I am just one woman's life and just one woman's career, but one woman equals 160 million when you allow rock stars to rape women, music executives discriminate against women, compel or try to force women to do the knee pad routine, humiliate or harm women's futures and careers, or when you allow rock stars, such as Roth run after hours 2 am kitty nightclubs, where 14 and 15 year old little girls are lured to and where he sat in the backroom mostly snorting cocaine, drinking whiskey, and raping children. 

You god damned papers who think the problem is always abroad, when it is right under your nose, it starts here in America: Your misogyny, your hatred and oppression of girls and women, your audacity to deprive women economic success, careers, jobs, equal pay, your greed and lust for monies while you keep women subservient, laundry women, maids, low paid teachers, or your nurses; where you keep women uneducated and compelled to sell their bodies in the X rated porn industry or on the streets as your prostitutes because there is no one else who will hire them or take a risk on them; where you laud and write about male writers, mostly male bands or musicians, your male politicians mostly, your male business icons and owners, and your male trillion dollar stimulus package handed over and out to male corporate owners.  Your male owned Broadway stage plays, film industry, director's chair heads, Academy Dick Awards mostly handed to male script writers, male directors, male producers, and so forth.  Where you humiliate and terrorize women out of careers and business, humiliate them when they walk into a job, deprive them of their pay and treat them like slaves, where you think that looking down means demeaning yourselves because you are ran by men and the men are usually taller than women. Where you disgustingly claim all the time that it's other countries with the problem so that you can direct the military profits towards men who invest and cause more wars and profits for the men who just sometimes love to fight.

Where you support a film industry that barely sees women as human beings with rights of economy, creative input, intelligence, and know how. Where you support an industry of male producers that steal intellectual rights from women on their whims in major companies or minor companies just because they are men and think they can. Where women are supposed to be silent and quiet about everything and not have a voice, because if you stopped to listen, really listen without seeing her as your rape and molest victim, as a sex slave, for your profit and empowerment or to be a jewel only at your side without any real sensibilities or needs that would mean humbleness and equality.

You were not born privileged at all as you feel you were; you were born equal in this kingdom of god and only abused your powers by the force and criminal behaviors of mankind, mostly mankind through terrorism, economic deprivation, forced starvation, slander, defamation, hatred, rape, lust, molestation, pedophilia, robbery, intellectual theft, suppression of truth, oppressive tactics, and more. You also took advantage of your other male supporters who all supported misogyny and the oppression of women and that in itself is SERIOUS CRIME. You will answer somehow.

And, about the trillion dollars Obama gave away to male business owners that belonged to women. I want it back in our hands.  And the bank stimulus that went to male bankers for their bonus checks. That was my idea in the first place and I meant it to go to help people who were losing their homes or going for crisis and it wasn't supposed to be spent on your fucking god damned rich male executives for the god damned bonus checks by the way. Your government didn't take action and made a mistake on you. It was my idea to inject the economy for the people.

And also: I demand women's faces be put on America's money and now! Our purchasing power demands it and our business powers from herein out.  We spend it and we want some women representatives on our cash NOW! Mush. No more procrastinating on our rights.  We are not born to worship men at all. There is god for that if we want it.  You will abide by our laws and will change because we will it.

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