Monday, January 8, 2018

One of the Best Math Professors All Around and he is a Black American

     I need to discuss this, because it is prevalent and important to the progress of America's educational system.
      I went to four U.S. colleges and private arts related schools throughout my life, thus far. Most of my teachers and professors were in fact White Americans. One of the most difficult areas though, which was required of me were subjects such as Algebra.  Although I placed at medium levels in college and was able to skip a few levels of math, I ended up having to take various algebra classes and of course statistics.
     I took Algebra classes with a math professor named Michael, although since I don't have permission to relay to you who he is I will leave his last name out.  He was the type of professor, knowing that algebra may be difficult for some of the students, spend extra time, on his own time, unpaid, to make certain days, extra study days; whereas, he would invite us, the students, into the library into a study room to do extra studies. We all had his mobile phone number as well, for he told us, if we needed more help or an equation explanation, he was right there on the telephone trying to help us navigate our way through very lengthy math equations, sometimes that lasted pages.  Additionally, we worked our way through some calculus, defense-related math, scientific type of math, and large economic type of algebra maths.
     Some of us stayed in the learning center until late at night studying and working with math tutors to make the grade and learn long equations.
      Our classes consisted of many minority students, for we were a mix of races in an area with a large Black populace. Everyone got along fine, whether Hispanic, White, mixed, Asian, or Black.
      Our professor has a really good sense of humor, that is, he mixed his in class teachings with humor so we'd laugh at times, making it much easier to study and get on well. We felt like one big happy family, sort of, and Michael kept giving us ideas about various careers using math.
      He shared his life story with us as well: He relayed that as a kid he used to get in trouble and came from a very poor area.  But then he discovered math; he was great at figuring out math equations. He found his calling. From that point of his own self-discovery he was on his way, found a mission and purpose, and found his focus.
     Not only had the defense department hired him to manage and oversee others but our school needed him as a pt professor.  That is, until a predominantly White school above the line staff decided they didn't want him anymore. He was too good for them, actually. 
     I passed my math classes with straight A grades and that was partially because Prof. Michael was such a great professor.
     The discrimination of a White dominant educational staff was very apparent and scary at times.  It is actually the student's loss, when White people decide to resort to racism.
     Everyone in Prof. Michael's classes; that is, our math classes did quite well. There is a reason for this.
     There needs to be  a national stat check to check out how many students do well in class entirety in White taught math classes sometime soon and the teaching methods involved.  Who do you blame when students don't do well? Is it because a student doesn't bother to study, is not learning abled in the math areas, or is it because of teaching methods?
     Professor Michael took us all out for pizza to celebrate the end of the class and we all looked at our final grades.  They were terrific!  We discussed our grades and celebrated, took photos to remember, and ate some really good pizza and drank water and soda pops. 
     How many college classes do you know about that celebrate together at a pizza parlour and talk about how wonderful everyone feels about achieving a good grade or see hope in each other's future?
     Fact #1: There was absolutely no cheating at all on our weekly tests, midterms, and final tests!  We studied together, read our books together, worked out the equations in the learning center after school, helped each other work out the equations, and Michael led extra days in the library working on lengthy difficult equations.
     Fact #2: No math was skipped to make the class easier. We worked on some of the most difficult lengthy math equations that involved some of the more difficult areas of science, defense, medicine, and corporate economy. One of my equations, just one, was 20 pages long.
     Fact #3: A good portion of our class were Black Americans and mixed minority races, or mixed ethnicities.
     Fact #4: Everyone passed his classes, and yes, people who didn't even think they could do it.
     Fact #5: There was nothing wrong with Prof. Michael's teaching methods and everything right. He broke no rules, sacrificed extra time for us, gave more than required, and even made us laugh while we sweated and struggled at times through some very difficult maths, but the White school officials felt no need for him.
     Fact #6: Any school in America would be privileged to obtain Professor Michael's services.


Friday, January 5, 2018

#MeToo - Don't Let it Be a Novelty Fad

My Diary.
A message of strength, change, and hope. My name is Debbie Davidsohn. In the music industry my bands and nic names were: Yankee Rose, Sun Goddess, Red & Blue, Deborah and the Starblazers, and Debbie Davidsohn.

As many are well aware, I have spent almost all my life in the entertainment industry trying to earn a living and create my own economic independence. Sexual abuse, rape, and gender oppression happens in every sector of society though.  Another major issue is that families and society, which includes girls and women also support  our discriminatory and rape culture at times. This was my experience.

To get to the nuts and bolt, I will share my experience, strength, and hope with you. I hope my testament to the truth helps change our cities, our culture, our country, and maybe even the world.

I was kidnapped by a group of five criminals one night; whereas, they set me up for rape, torture, and robbery. To make a long horrific story short, I was tricked into going to a party after work one night then beat down to the ground, stripped naked, kicked and made to crawl naked on the floor. I was handcuffed on a bed where I was ritually raped repeatedly and beat. They had a tiny baby that appeared maybe six months old in the same room I was being raped in.  I am not certain where the baby came from or if it was one of their babies.  I was strangled by one of the criminals; whereas, I fell to the ground and he thought I had died. At that point he and the others grabbed my purse and stole my pay money I made for the week, which was supposed to be used for my rent and they went through my purse. They saw I had a checkbook too. I woke up and at that point they had decided they had to obtain my money I had in my bank. They didn't know how much I had, which was next to near nothing.

I played along, took some more beatings and the next morning as I was handcuffed two of the criminals intended to take me to my bank so they could rob me.  At this point I escaped and ran from them. It was a building filled with illegal immigrants and though some saw me bleeding and yelling for help, none would help me. I suppose they just didn't want to deal with the police and their status was more important than an emergency.  Thus, I had to enter an apartment to find a phone and called police.  The police didn't arrest any illegal immigrants.

At that point, it took awhile to round up four of the five criminals and they were taken to jail.  This all took place in Los Angeles, Ca. The police took me to the hospital where they took swabs of semen and noted my physical injuries.

I remember being at the criminal courts for their first hearing. The lawyer who was supposed to represent the victim came into a room and spoke to me in a harsh manner. He was a male and his last name was Solomon, I believe. I started to cry when he asked me to explain to him what took place. It was so horrific, bloody, and cruel I had a hard time explaining so much.  He told me: "I see this everyday" in a bored and unempathetic manner. In the next ten minutes or so, he came back in the room and claimed that they called me a "whore" and he seemed angry.  What I gather is that because the criminals said I was whore, which I was not, that I did not have a right to legal recourse and deserved to endure attempted murder, brutality, rape, and torture and he simply allowed the criminals go back on the street, just like that.  He had hospital proof of severe injuries and semen samples and could easily see there was criminal conduct, but being a male in support of America's rape culture, he helped uphold the rights of rapists.

Solomon is part of the problem and not part of the solution. He and others are the reason for our rape culture. They work within the legal system. Mr. Solomon was working in the criminal courts system and was supposed to uphold the laws for victims. He did the opposite, a breach of justice and a breach of humanity.

God knows how many other victims have been raped, murdered, strangled, or how many children or babies have been in the criminal's rooms afterwards. Mr. Solomon told me: "I see this everyday". This tells us, that brutal rapes, murders, including children somehow in these crimes, robbery and theft happen everyday in Los Angeles and he just doesn't do anything about them.  This is our rape culture led by criminals who call themselves the legal system within our criminal court system.  These same types exist all over the USA within our court system.

No one discussed or told me about any help I could get to contend with the aftermath. No one told me about Victims of Crimes, Rape Counseling, or any other resource. It was just something that happens everyday in Los Angeles and the court system couldn't care less.  I am supposed to live my life, walk around and act like everything is just fine. It isn't.

There is no real oversight and the government is always too busy with other matters to tend to this hideous nightmare inflicted upon girls and women in America.

There has never been a resolution of justice in this case (and more) and I wonder how our criminal system could simply allow these sorts of criminals free to do more mayhem in society.  It makes me wonder what our law schools are actually teaching our lawyers in society that makes it ok to support rape, attempted murder, child pedophilia, and theft?

Another rape:
I went on a date with man named Rick Silver. He put a drug in my drank and I lost consciousness and he raped me while I was not conscious. I only had one drink. He even admitted to it afterwards and laughed about it. How do I pursue this madman rapist in our rape culture though and bring justice to this situation?

Another rape:
There is a man in the entertainment industry named J.D. Pugh who is constantly luring girls and women into his fold and his agencies, which he renames, all so he could use them as sex slaves. He drugs them up, then rapes them. Does anyone know J.D. Pugh?  I also endured this scenario with him when trying to find legitimate work in film and in print modeling.  I believe he is still doing this mayhem.

More attempted rapes:
I needed lawyers and called a number of lawyers for help throughout my history. I wish I would have remembered the name of some of them, but one in particular decided that I was to become his sex slave and he would house me in one of his houses, away from his wife, so he could come and go and use me as his sex slave. He didn't want to practice law at all but instead, was focused on practicing sexual slavery and abuses aimed at women.  He was married and was so insistent on ignoring my legal issues and instead tried to compel and force me to become his slave. I refused his advances completely and ok, never was able to obtain the legal help I needed. What are our law schools actually teaching America's lawyers that makes these behaviors ok? This is crime to me.

In my career, making music mostly no company would talk to me unless it was to meet to become their sex slave.  I only received calls for meetings with executives after sending them samples of my music product to in turn be humiliated, terrorized, and sexually abused, harassed, mocked, berated, and conned somehow. The music industry, filled with mostly male executives who run almost every department within America's music corporations has still yet to answer to the decades of abuses perpetrated against girls and women, including it's head abuser, Neil Portnow, the President of NARAS who also tried to force me to become his private sex slave instead of offering me a music contract or development contract to earn profits as he did or would to male artists/bands, or musicians. 

They deprived me economic security, contracts, happiness, obstructed my freedom just because I am a woman and they felt they had a right to. Society allowed them to perpetrate these crimes against me. There was no one I could report their crimes to and when I did complain to corporate authorities they ignored my pleas and complaints.  The corporate authorities or bosses were all males as well.

I wrote letters to the entire NARAS board about Neil Portnow and not a one stood up for me. He was not fired as he should have been. No one wanted to discuss his sexual abuse and his obstruction of my music career either. They just wanted to keep their jobs so remained quiet, him being so powerful on top of an industry as its Satanic bastard.

As far as society is concerned, I am supposed to be quiet, demuring, supportive our of our haremic rape culture, oppressive male dominated economy dictated and thefted by gender discriminating males and society is supposed to listen to male blasted music all day on America's radio stations where it is rare that a woman's instrument is heard or a woman's voice.  Token female singers sometimes flood a bit of our music machine, but it's always a token anomaly. Women guitarists, pianists, bass players, or drummers are kept out of the business while fans flood the music market with profits supported the barbaric heinous gender crime discriminations perpetrated against women. Women are shown as sex objects in male music videos mostly, as slabs of meat, with no voices, no respect and no economic futures.

Because I planned to tour and work as a musician I was called a "Whore" by David Lee Roth and his clan of psyhos.  They called me a "whore" for wanting to work a legitimate job making music--not selling sex or my body.

Another music employee met with me and asked me: "Do you want to die for the music"? Why should I die for music anyways? Just because I am a woman doesn't mean I should have to die for music. That is insane!

Rolling Stone, a huge music and political magazine also ran by men has been discriminating against women artists/musicians for time memorial.  It's a men's fascist club who discriminate and oppress women.

Music Connection, another music industry iconic magazine has been busy for many decades lauding male musicians or bands and keeping women on the shelves and hiding us from public view.

IHeart Radio lauds male musicians and artists as if they are Gods and overtly discriminates against women artists and musicians.

The music industry promotes men as either rock or pop gods mostly which sends a strong signal to society that girls and women don't matter. We do matter!  They abuse their powers and monies by discriminating against women artists/bands, employees and executives in every department within the music industry.

Most of America's music itself will tell society that women do not matter and are second class citizens.  The rock white walk of fame and all its subsidiaries tells women that they are worthless, are whores, and are supposed to remain sex slaves to empowered mad men who much of the time don't even know how to treat human beings, let alone women. Society is supposed to worship man in other words and women are there to sustain damages, rape, or children pedophilia; while somehow or another women are supposed to survive without work, jobs, or any economic future living hand to mouth desperate, being passed over by slobs of mayhem and misogynistic criminals in a cycle of evil and unfairness. But yet, if we voice our opinions, become furious or angry it's not ok.  All of a sudden because we speak out, tell the truth, and refute violence or rape, we are "lying" as they all seem to resort to at some point or another.

Men can run around in films and television with guns, killing constantly as a symbol of macho male dominance and the entire country of girls and women are supposed to bow down at men, live in terror and fear daily, live in financial desperation oft times, and spread eagle at the whims of man.  There is your countless street agencies running modeling agencies, acting agencies, theatrical agencies all aimed at luring in girls and women to become sex slaves instead. These harem agencies are all over Hollywood ran by men who don't view girls and women as human beings with rights at all.

Let's talk about prostitution: Throughout history in America, especially in the 19th Century women were not allowed any rights at all.  They were not allowed into Universities, were not allowed to practice law, had no legal recourse concerning child custody, had no right to a legal claim when beat up or raped by drunk husbands, and had to endure murder and rape in massive mode.  Oh, and don't forget: Women didn't have the right to vote either. The long hard struggle of a few courageous women met with fierce ignorance and resistance even from other women who were ignorant and criminal in their mindsets.

By the 1970s, dates and husbands were allowed to rape and beat their dates, wives, or girlfriends, by U.S. law. Police wouldn't do anything about anything and of course the police were all male.  Women were forced to endure poverty, grief, terror, unwanted rape pregnancies, rape on a daily basis, countless beatings, and murder.

Although the fight and struggle continues, society is filled with misogyny and mayhem. In almost every corporation or company women are not hired and/or not promoted as the men are.  Women are sometimes given the lowest paying jobs while the men are promoted for higher pay checks. Women are passed over for simply being women.

When I attended a meeting at Paramount Studios with one of the male producers, he simply stole my script, "sent it down to the story department", then made his own Paramount flick using much of my story. He plagiarized my work and told me honestly: "I sent your script down to the story department".  I never saw my script again nor a dime for all my hard work.

If I have a movie or screenplay I want produced, the males at all the film companies will typically ignore me, while they meet with other male producers and filmmakers.  Unless I am working for a male executive as a little gopher or some unpaid type of job pitching his stuff, my work typically means nothing. I know, because I spent many years in the film industry collaborating and on major screenplays and productions. I even was involved with bigger name male talent to simply contact film acquisition executives for them.  The only time I was able to get into a meeting with acquisitions or an executive's office is if I was with my Academy Award Winning male close friend, which also amounted to nothing.

Once they hear it is a woman on the phone attempting to set up a meeting who is NOT a low level secretary or just a messenger girl they will typically ignore her. God forbid that women should make as many films as the men do or direct them. It's a huge misogynistic male power club where the women are lower level helpers only doing their secretarial work, cleaning their toilets, or cooking their lunches.  Same bat station, same club, same M.O.

When we discuss "talent" and when it comes to many of the males inside the entertainment industry "talent" ='s the ability to be passed around as a sex slave and stay on one's knees until no end.

We are discussing the issues in a little more open manner now, but what does a woman do who is cornered by a stronger macho maniac inside an office? Does society support her right to take action and I don't mean getting down on her knees and giving a blow job or taking off her bra for his whims. I mean, taking action to defend her own rights. Wow. This sounds like a huge no no.

Since, men are usually stronger physically than women, is it right that women should feel afraid to meet with men. Should women carry a gun or some sort of weapon to defend themselves. Typically, their strength does not match that of the men and WE ALL KNOW THIS.

Man is taking advantage of women's size and fear and inserting and forcing his arrogance and criminal conduct upon society. What about being trapped and cornered in an elevator, a drunk executives hotel room, or even in a car?

I've been in a car raped and yes he was over six feet tall and had three times my strength.  Why is it that all I had was my scream? It's not fair for girls or women what-so-ever.  A woman who is cornered having her life threatened should have the full legal right to take action to defend herself.

I know about bullying and I'm only touching the surface at this point.  It's a bullying mentality and something has to be done at every moment to change these scenarios to create positive outcomes. Obviously, most of mankind living in America and much of womankind has no real education regarding these issues and still thrives off of a 19th Century education that was filled with male criminality.

I don't owe you my body nor any sex favors for whatever reason. I know this, do you? Women don't owe you their bodies at all just because they are born female especially on your whims when they want to work in legitimate respectful jobs.  There are no laws at all that state that 1) Women were born into subservient involuntary sexual servitude. Our laws do state and I am stating them here: 2) Women were not born cooks or maids and that is not their jobs in life. If they choose to do so out of free will that is another issue. 3) Women do not have to resort to becoming teachers, nurses, or housemaids and these are not necessarily the jobs for us. 4) You have to keep your hands off women unless you gain explicit consent to do otherwise. 5) A woman has a right to wear shorts, be nude in magazines, or film for pay and you still do not have a right to grope us, rape us, or expect us to perform sexual slavery acts. 6) Just because a woman speaks and meets with you does not mean she wants to become your sex slave, mistress, girlfriend, or wife. She most likely does not want to become your "prostitute" either. 7) Women and men can be good friends based on intelligence, mutual respect, and kindness without any sexual deviance. 8) Women are as intelligent as men in every area and nothing less. 9) Women can make the big and smaller decisions. 10) Women have a right to equal corporate executive jobs, management jobs, legal jobs, and there needs to be equality in judge seats around the country. There needs to be upgraded laws that support equality of positions. 11) Rape is rape and you need to go to prison is you resort to this crime. 12) There is no justification for rape or groping in any situation. 13) Maiding and mothering is a full time job and if she is not paid for it and there is not a sum put into her accounts for her legal clout and security than you need to do so. Her work is worth money too. If you want a stay at home mom and maid for your whims, you need to be fair and give her economic security IN HER NAME. 14) Discrimination against women in all jobs is a violation of our laws and to the constitution. If you do this, you are committing a crime. 15) A woman does not have to take a man's name in marriage to be a valid bride or to be worthy. 16) Her name is just as valid and good. 17) Marriage doesn't mean you can hit, rape, beat or make a wife a sex slave. 18) Sexual slavery is a crime; if it isn't fully consensual and she is not fully sober hands off! 19) Being male does not mean you are automatically privileged in our society any longer as it once did. 20) Every woman has a right to economic security, a chosen career of choice, a good paying job if we so choose; if you attempt or hinder this in any way you are subject to legal recourse and scrutiny no matter how long it takes. You will be exposed. 21) We don't want male blasted careers in our society and will not tolerate it. 22) We will turn off radio that does not give equal voice to women. 23) We will stop buying magazines that supports and upholds the rights of men while stripping the rights of women. 24) We will voice our concerns, our truths, our experience any where we choose and anywhere where the public will listen and will not keep quiet for man's sake or cover up any crimes concerning pedophilia, violence, threats, rape, discrimination, and corruption.