Sunday, January 15, 2017

Women's March on Washington, D.C. 2017 - Conceptual Politics - Self-Creation

Women's March on Washington D.C. 2017

With the upcoming women's march on Washington, D.C., are many true to life issues and realities that are typically left unspoken or swept, ignored, or quashed by a dominant male policy and law force.

First and foremost, women cannot educate themselves unless they educate themselves outside the U.S. educational and college system, because in the 21st century, government is still attempting to hide the horrific ventures and wrong-doings performed against girls and women during the more recent MKultra era.

The 149 massive U.S. experiments performed against U.S. citizens from 1958 into the 1990s were so unusual and horrific, that even in 2017, schools and colleges are dissuaded from teaching young students about the realities of its own government. The drugs conjured up by CIA officials and fed to children, minorities, unsuspecting individuals and groups all over the USA for mind control experiments were combined with mental abuses so severe and terror tactics that included entrapping little girls so they could turn them into harlots to serve the CIA men for their unusual endeavors or high-class prostitutes who would do their bidding.

Childhood rapes and stalkings were pretty typical and part of the routine. The CIA had their street force go out to public elementary schools and feed whoever they can certain types of drugs that would mess up their minds, somewhat. This went on in colleges and all levels of schools all over the USA. Sometimes they would pick and choose certain recruits, such as children of minority veterans mostly who they could use and abuse to no end without a thought of ethics or remorse.

This rape anyone mindset was propagated at the highest governmental levels in the U.S. allowing rapes and violence against girls and women to go unnoticed or a small or not so terrible offense. This goes on today still, while mostly male legal systems, police teams, judges, and government use these subconscious and conscious tactics to keep women and girls servicing their desires and oppressed.

The other problem is that women also side with men on these issues, just as women sided with men during Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton's era, who were fighting for women's rights, the right to vote, the right to divorce and own property, the right to NOT BE MURDERED, RAPED, AND TO TAKE CUSTODY OF THEIR OWN CHILDREN. During their era, women had no rights to custody of their children, could not sue for alimony, and had to be raped and/or murdered without due diligence from the legal community. Women were not allowed to attend University, practice law, politics and were not allowed to speak. It was highly unusual for women to know law or ethics, unless the daughter of a judge happened to get into his legal books. This was the case with Elizabeth Cady Stanton who read her father's books and vowed one day to change the policies towards girls and women.

But women all over the country berated, mocked, and used terrible hate lingo against Anthony and Stanton, because they sided with men and did not respect their own rights. Becoming self-sustaining, intelligent, powerful women was not a goal in life. The goal was to clench a man who would fund her basic needs and bear children. Women became desperate at moments to find a funder, because society would not allow women to own their own economic power and there were next to no jobs at all available to women. Men made it so, and women allowed it. It took more courage to speak out against injustice in the face of a highly hostile country, than to give in and become a slave or servant to a powerful man (if they could land the job that is as wife or maid).

I don't want to mock or berate family and children, which are the rights of individuals and couples anywhere and is important and sacred. But, even today in our culture girls and women are still forced to comply to male demands and illogic; whether, it is in a court battle, whereas, men judges, mediators, or lawyers run the show and batter the victim until no end, especially if she is poor or below means.

Typically, only rich or famous women get their day with the justice system in matters of rape. Most rapes and most violence is brushed under the rug in America today. Once in awhile, we get a judge and police unit that says that it does matter, but even then, the perpetrator soon goes free.

For instance, I was attacked in a parking lot one night by a man who was over six feet tall. I screamed, as he pushed me into his car and ripped off my clothes and someone heard me and called the police. By the time the police got there, my skirt was ripped off and he was strangling me trying to get me to comply with his desire to control me. They ripped him off of me though and ok, the case ended up in court, but he only was sentenced to six months in prison for a crime that an entire team of police witnessed and saw when they found him on top of me violently strangling me. This meant, 3 months with good behavior and he was back out on the streets of Los Angeles. This did not mean change, salvation, nor educating the perpetrator on the rights of girls and women.

But, imagine if I were rich and famous and not poor or living below the poverty level: The court system would have paid some more attention to the issue.

Thus, I feel society is a mixed up mess, somewhat, giving credence to economic factors instead of to the justice and ethics of situations. But, this is America in a nutshell. This is how Americans choose their leaders oft times and one cannot run for leadership unless a truck load of monies is on that person's plate.

It starts in the school system. Change can only begin to take place when the school systems compel and force male learners to study gender issues, civil rights, and classes that entail educating boys and men about violence against girls and women. Civil rights also belongs to girls and women as a whole.

On the flip-side, we also have dogmatic and insane women on the loose. Recently, at University I was assaulted by a female professor whose upbringing was from Iran and she recruited a foreign male bully who was the size of a national football player. She was so tyrannical and deceptive, that I had a hard time believing that any U.S. school system would or could hire or allow such a criminal into its teaching system. Her idea of control stemmed from Iran's methods of a supreme male leader and compliance with government, no matter how unethical or tyrannical it was. When I made my complaint to the local police dept., the investigator did nothing to enforce justice and used the idea that because she appeared as an authority, instead of an equal that it was somehow fine. It is NOT FINE nor ok. I am paying for my education and education does not entail authority nor tyranny in any form. I went to college to learn and expand my horizons; not to be controlled by any governmental entity for its mind-control illogical methods.

Her name: Shirin Raban. All she had to do was put on a certain hat and she resembled the Shaw.

To top off the hideousness and atrocity of bullying and criminality within the U.S. edu. system, the school kept her on employ, all so she could terrorize and use underhanded deceptive teaching methods perpetrated upon young students, so they would go out into the world terrorized to create, afraid of taking charge, or terrorized of becoming self-determined citizens. For instance, she would tell a student to create a certain paper that could take many hours to complete. This incident, by the way, took place on 2016. This is the 21st Century. When the student came back with the paper on the content she asked for, she would all of a sudden state: I didn't ask you to do that, I asked you to do this (making up a story to harm the young student). If the young student objected or relayed what she was told, the professor would enforce a rule of authority that would create a situation, whereas, the student would now be in trouble with the school system and would be considered a troublemaker. They could be thrown out of class. They were basically told they could not object nor speak and would be subjected to possible police brutality, assault, bad grades, or anything else of a punishing nature. This is Shirin Raban's teaching methods, because it belongs to the control and destroy method of teaching. Control the young folks as if they are just objects to do government bidding, then destroy them for having any self-control, sense of self justice, or ideas of their own. The school system as it is, teaches students to NOT voice their concerns or opinions, to to "defy" or "object" to authority rule, to NOT "ask questions", nor to debate fact from fiction with someone who is in a position of power, such as a teacher or professor. These types of professors, teachers, or people are the destroyers of self determinism and higher excellence in society. They create adults who take orders or do tasks without ethical questioning, who would commit crimes in the name of law and government without conscience, who obey and follow orders even if they are wrong. The school system is geared towards this disethic and it has created a local society and world society of insanity.

When women, such as Shirin Raban and others are put into positions, such as this girls and women's rights are quashed, destroyed, annulled, and ended. She uses these methods with female students and not the male students. She enforced violence using a male student at the University who harmed me, and basically sent a message that it is ok for boys and men to violate women.

Although a slight change has taken effect, since Obama came into office, because he started to enforce rape training within the school system recently, real change has yet to take place. Colleges are now starting to train students on rape and what to do or how to prevent rapes, mostly perpetrated by boys or men. They make students study certain videos and answer questions and are attempting to make them aware of social interactions, about drinking at parties, and how men typically use alcohol to rape girls or women. The problem is, is that they do not tackle violence against girls and women. Rape is violence, but they divide the idea of control and leave out violence all together. Acts of violence take many shapes and forms though. Violence can be verbal, happens a lot within marriages, and somehow boys and men mostly feel it is ok to push around girls and women, have their way without consent, or punch and hit girls and women. It does not make a girl a Tomboy if she is punched either. It makes her hurt and the situation can be caustic. He gets away with violence and she has become quiet, complying, prim and proper or else . . .

You also have those situations and people in society who are leaders in other realms, such as the rock n roll world. There is David Lee Roth, a renown abuser, pedophile who has raped and hurt girls and women, fed drugs to girls underage, helped run an illegal underground after hours nightclub called The Zero Club, which would charge fees and lure in 14 and 15 year old little girls so they could dance and have fun, while he sit in the back room with his whiskey and cocaine abusing, harming, and drugging up kids so he could have his so-called "way" or "fun". They would open at 2 a.m. in various secret spots in Hollywood, where they moved constantly, so police could not find them, and hundreds of kids mostly (teens) would go in and party, be fed up alcohol, sold alcohol, and the police didn't really care either way at that time. Little girls being lured in and raped, drugged, or fed alcohol was all part of the program that trailed on since the government's MKultra era. It was all part of government policy, so Roth never was arrested, even though they did know about him, because he was doing their bidding for them. He felt empowered and was rewarded heftily for harming girls and women, raping them, and turning them into slaves.

I know, because I was just one of his many victims. He also publicly relayed that its the woman's fault if she is raped, because of the way she dresses. In other words, he feels that men have a right to perpetrate violence and rape against girls or women, because they either wear a skirt, or show cleavage, or dance in a bikini, or are naked for the stage and camera. In fact, he relayed that girls and women deserve to be raped for being sexual entities at all. He feels it is within his rights to rape and impose violence and control on girls and women. My situation as his victim was hideous. Although, at first, I'd have to admit that I was fooled by him. I would never imagine as to the length of his crimes that I did until years later and until women and girls came to me with terror in their hearts and in their eyes and told me what he had did to them.

He was in love with me or so he claimed and made a fortune writing some songs for and about me. He expected me to read his mind and become a little wall flower not speaking to other men, not working with them, no having friends and answering to his every whim and desire, even if he did not speak them. He expected me to read his mind and comply with his ideas of control and authority. God knows that he made me into a sort of slave for his profits and did not credit me what so ever, including economically. I wrote the Yankee Rose script, by the way and came up with the idea concerning Lady Liberty, justice, and he responded by following my lead, but with silent conditions, such as "only he was allowed" to parade around having fun and earning monies and I was to be a lady in waiting, desperate, poor and in need of him in every way without any hope unless he was around to fulfill it. This was his idea as to whom I was to be in my life. In his mind, girls or women of his choosing were not allowed to own power, economic wealth, nor sing and have fun. His idea was that only he could have the fun, tour, dance and sing and not the woman of his choice. Since I was dancing and singing and have done so since I was a child at that time, he used every form of power to stand in my way. It was a horrible work of sabotage and evil I will never forget. He did everything to hinder my happiness, my freedom including going to label executives to fabricate slander. He made up lies telling people that "I had beat him up", that I "was dangerous", that I had "pulled a gun on him" and that I "had killed a man". I killed no man, never "beat him up", never "pulled a gun on his person", and never followed him around what so ever. He had his full freedom no matter what in my mind. He could be with who he wanted, date who he wanted, sleep with who he wanted, sing and dance all he wanted, tour all he wanted and that was that. Because of elite fame and wealth, people actually believed him. So when Capitol records was interested in my work and my CD was called into the office, all of a sudden I had two A&R executives screaming at me on the phone calling me names and telling me what David Lee Roth said I had done! They did not bother to ask me if it were true, or question my integrity. They basically told me to go to hell.

The other problem was he made felony false allegations and fake police reports as well without a witness, for there were not any, because he was lying. But, because of his fame and wealth, police believed him and the next thing you know, at my little music studio, maybe ten officers are standing with shotguns at my body and head. I fainted. They ransacked my little music studio, turned it upside down looking for some gun I did not own, because David Lee Roth said so and wanted to terrorize me out of the music industry, out of my happiness, and because I was innocent, freedom-loving, working with "other" male musicians, which caused him to become so diabolically insane and enraged, that he resorted to severe crime for control. The reality is though, is that I have and had a right to own a gun legally for my own protection and either way! Why wouldn't any moral man want a woman to protect herself though? You figure it out: So he could rape, beat, and get off the hook endlessly.

Then there was the time I was working on a civil rights production for an old friend of mine and I visited the Rainbow Bar & Grille and was actually on a date with a young lawyer one night. I was meeting and talking to friends, including Slash and Slash's girl at that time, when from behind me, Roth had followed me and spotted me, but I didn't know. I didn't even know he was there or was going to be there. He then started to attack me, and yelled at Slash: "She charged my credit card!". I never even seen Roth's credit card and what receipt does he have to prove any of these claims. He would make up lies out of nowhere and I don't know if he actually believed his lies, but I did read in one of the magazines that he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and growing up that his parents thought he was autistic because of his violence and mayhem. Whether this is true or not, I am uncertain, but that would possibly constitute "criminal insanity" in the way of the justice system, which could back him on his acts of violence and crimes.

That same night when I was at the Rainbow Bar and Grille he commanded two huge Italian thugs to beat me up outside the nightclub and who stole my money. At this point my date was upstairs using the restroom, so I could not go to him and had to leave where they left me so I could not be hurt nor he. I felt the police would take his side though, because they had already complied with the nightmare of David Lee Roth tyranny and lies. I believed he would fabricate something else and based on his wealth and fame, would take his side. I realized I had no recourse at that time. He then proceeded to make another felony false police report in which he told police that I had "assaulted him". The truth is I never assaulted anyone and I was not even able to defend myself against him nor his mafia hit man team. It was honestly the other way around. Being a woman though who pursued a career and economic power for herself was mostly against the rules. If the police were smart, which they were not, they would have demanded the video footage within the club. When I think of the term "imbeciles", well there you have it. They would have seen the reality for themselves. Me walk in with a date. Me talking to a group of friends and people, enjoying life. Then from behind a man following me (David Lee Roth), stalking me. Then, an attack on my person, hostile aggression on Roth's part, then two huge football sized madmen assault me, harm me, take me outside the club outside the camera view so they could beat me. Any five year old could have figured that one out.

Now to make the issue worse, because of those felony false police reports, I had to go to court to answer to it. I was also arrested and spent time in solitary confinement getting sick, while I wait on this new allegation. Whoa and behold, Roth had hired the two mafia men to lie for him on the stand. How imbecile did he think the judge really was though? The judge, who probably had an ounce of ethics in him, told Roth and his two mafiosos that "this girl didn't hurt a fly". I saw his two thugs who assaulted me who were all paid and ready to commit more crimes. It bothered me that the judge did not arrest Roth and his two mafia thugs though. It still does until this day. Many people cannot fathom injustice though and would think: "well she had to have done something?" I did not do anything, did not think a cruel thought, did not raise a hand, strike a body, did not even believe in that nonsense. I was beaten down for being innocent. I did nothing to deserve such horror and crimes perpetrated upon my person. I was simply acting upon my freedom to pursue a career in music and also film. I studied and worked hard! I funded my own albums, worked day and night trying to make things rights. He became enraged and jealous over my music videos.

The music videos you see now filled with erotica and cute outfits on women were the same things I was doing then, but I was censored. At that time, all this sexy mexy stuff was not really available. I was doing costumes, such as sexy lingeret, dresses, far out type of cutomized costumes I made myself, dresses and stuff that were highly artistic and valuable. I was censored by the label executives as well. As soon as they saw me like that, they turned me down. In fact, unless I slept with the executives at the get go or followed their lead to screw me or go up to a hotel room, there was no deal. Scotti Bros offered me a deal without having to play a sex slave to one of the executives, but then after seeing my videos, they changed their mind. They wanted me to walk around dressed like a politician instead or like someone living within Vatican City. There were no show your belly button videos, lingeret dances, nor shake your booty get down stuff. When David Lee Roth saw some of my videos he became like some sort of pathological killer, filled with hatred and madness! He felt that no other man should be allowed to see me in a situation that made me feel sexy, or alluring, or beautiful, or fun. In his mind, I had to be some sort of zombie to his making or molding who only appealed to him. Being appealing to other males was a strike against his big ugly ego. I had to appear very uptight, miserable, a Victorian Secret hiding all my desires as if they were shameful and evil. Later on, I saw all these pop icons, such as Pink and others wearing the same lingeret I was wearing in my initial music videos. Then, there is the nakedness today in music videos. Pop stars get naked, including Lady Gaga and it is considered decent, beautiful, natural, and OK. But, when I did it in the same fashion it was not OK. David Lee Roth actually went to a court of law and complained about my erotic types of videos, that today are very natural and a fun part of the music video scene much of the time or considered aesthetic. In his statement to the court, he claimed and complained that I was a criminal because I was making erotic videos. This was if that my body or desires were unlawful or illegal in society. I absolutely had to endure this garbage. He did this, while he raped children, beat women and girls, raped a boy, went to strip joints allover the place, hired hookers, and more!

But the entire situation, the false allegations created such a sad and caustic situation for me, and I was so shaken up by the assault and abuses, that my happy, innocent, sweet desire to make music for everyone to enjoy, to bring fun to society and allow me to bring enjoyment to others was pretty much gone. I was so sweet and innocent prior, had never hurt people. Roth did accomplish his goals. I have to admit. I was innocent and vulnerable, poor and destitute. He overpowered me using so much hatred, animosity, crime, and wrong-doing that there is really no going back. He lived his highest excellence as a criminal and madman. That is what he wanted and thus far he is off the hook and does not have to answer to the call for justice. He and I are historical stats in a long stream of god-awful crimes against girls and women. I wish I could teach those who pursue his path that stripping the rightful freedom of another or oppressing a good person has a karmic effect and only strips that oppressor of true and honest freedom and happiness. It's too lofty a philosophy for Goliaths to grasp though, because they do not real critical thought and abilities to comprehend and "get it". And, it wasn't without help that her perpetuated his offenses though: His buddies in the music industry ganged up on me and also oppressed me and threatened me, and that included women in the music industry! Much like the case with Susan Anthony & Elizabeth Stanton, women felt empowered by perpetuating various types of crime or wrong-doing because they lacked a sense of justice in their hearts. They too were lacking in real educational values and were trapped and are trapped in a mindset that does not allow room to absolutely comprehend and empower justice itself for the sake of good over evil.

I lived years in terrible poverty, sickness, hardship but had a few moments here and there would I could feel the beast counting his profits in his counting house. I finally was going to marry a man and David Lee Roth still would not stop. He did the Satan album, the one where he was Satan on the cover with these horrible songs written about me wanting and manipulating more. He just would not let up. Here I was going to marry, living with someone and the court was supposed to establish that we would have no relations what soever. But, he wouldn't obey or respect the law. He started again. I lost my child.

Until this day, I have to fight Roth's desire to get into my life, for he has consistently sought ways to control, have, or own me. It's not a romantic story what so ever. It is no compliment what so ever to me to have a man who feels that because he was a rock star to attempt to control my life in any way, shape, or form. I know for certain that he does and did not want my success at all and enjoyed the sadism and crime perpetrated against me. He felt empowered that I was harmed, hurt, raped, and terrified. He felt so powerful. He's a very sick aberated person. He wanted to control my career by stopping it, wanted to keep me from earning good amounts of monies, so I could not pursue legal recourse and have power to take control of my rights. He would use threats and at some point hired a friend to send really scary messages by phone. His friend called me and said, "I just came from Roth's house and" so and so...When I played the recording for the detective all the detective did was tell him, that's a no no and left it at that; no arrest.

This "classic rock" situation is symbolic though for American society in general. This is an overall type of mentality that exists and goes on, until what it seems as endlessly; men can do it, women cannot; men have the right, women do not; the stimulus goes to men in business--not to women in business. Give the males the college scholarships mostly--not the women!

The truth is is that I had never even though of an act of violence against Roth! I had no room in my mind at all and that was not my agenda!I was so happy making music, dancing, doing fashion, having friends to work with who I enjoyed, working, earning a little money, doing my own thing; why would anyone want to think of violence? But he claimed it so, so that he would turn society on me, so that I would not know my own worth, my own freedom, so I could remain a slave to his profits and/or whims, to be used endlessly by his music team for his song profits. So that he could have me as he wanted and not as who I was or am. He wanted a body he could control, who would crawl in terror and fear, who would patronize his voice, his career desires and keep him empowered. He could not have that with me though. What I mean, he wanted an empty body, a sex object to use whenever he wanted who would empower his songwriting and profits who did not want any earnings herself.

I have an opinion and I'm not going to remain silent. The truth is out in the open and it DOES MATTER! He cannot brush his crimes under any rug. And, I never listen to his music! His career and music mean zilch to me and many of his lyrics are some of the most despicable and hypocritical garbage. He will never have my respect what so ever! He is a shameful symbolic reality of what America has built a foundation upon. Classic rock itself, a stream of mostly male orientated misogyny; whereas, female artists get no quarter. Yes, that is the truth! Female voices and musicians do not even get a quarter on classic rock radio!!! What does that tell anyone with intelligence? He is a man without honor! I know men with honor who I consider to be men.

But, what would an insane criminal hiding behind wealth or fame want with honor or real admiration anyways? It is something to maybe strive for.

I cannot speak for his many victims actually and hope they come out to speak for themselves. He did threaten them with thugs and violence, so I hunch that they are protecting themselves, SINCE THE SYSTEM WILL NOT IN MOST CASES! They don't have monies to hire a team of security, so let's face it reality for all his girls and victims.

The women's march in Washington is about many things. Its about self determinism, economic power, the right to careers, the right to have a say so over one's own mind and body, and the right to work, or live sensibly if disabled by rape, mayhem, and violence. Yes, many women are disabled because of pedophilia, rape, violence, and horrific oppressions perpetrated by the demented portion of society that sought to keep them from being the best person they could become. Society says nothing about the rapes and feels the rapes and violence are insignificant and do not have an effect on the victim. Because she wore shorts or a bathing suit, she should have been raped is much of society's mental set. So much of public crimes are perpetrated by men and the effects on the economic well being of women has had a strong effect.

Having to work for male bosses also can be caustic. Abuse, sexual harassment exists at almost every level and many of women's jobs depend on complying with a male sense of power. In other words, I will lose my job, if I don't sleep with the boss on his whim, turn him down for a wine and fun, or if I speak up If I feel he doing something wrong or illegal. I have been through this countless times in my life.

The Women's March in Washington D.C. is a piece to the puzzle, but people have to participate everywhere, when and if they can and at home: Stop favoring the boys in the family over the girls. Let the girls be educated and pursue careers; stop just funding the male in the family's education, leaving the younger sister out of it; take action at the school levels, and demand that required classes for all include gender studies, civil rights classes, and classes the teach about violence and control over girls and women. Make these classes part of high school and college curriculum. I've met males who created the required curriculum at colleges and it's a farce! This can be changed!

Start demanding that your local police training includes classes on violence against girls and women, rape laws and civil rights, and classes that involve minorities and civil rights. Don't just put a gun and a bunch of violence into our police training strategy! Sometimes that may be like handing guns to the mafia itself!

Start barring classic rock radio if you really believe in women's rights and the rights of girls and women everywhere! It's a hideous symbol of what America was, is, and has become: Mostly, a misogynistic race of people who are trained to beat on the innocent, the minority, girls and women, to vent aggression on the harmless, to oppress women from becoming high earners and from becoming economically self-sufficient, to create a class of slaves who do not refute, do not protest, get punished or beat if they do, and are called names for standing up for what is right.

Remember this: Humility is far different than humiliation. Humility can be a virtue, whereas, humiliation is a typical and daily tradition perpetrated upon girls and women, with the help of other girls and women who side with males out of ignorance and/or fear.

Also, please keep in mind that King James, who rewrote the entire bible, which a lot or most of bible thumpers are reading today, well, he enjoyed drag queens and really got off on homosexuality at moments. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with this, but the same bible thumpers who decry homosexuality as "sin" or as "wrong" are reading King James' bible. King James loved Shakespeare and his merry made up men who wore lipstick, kissed and fondled each other on and off the stage, wore dresses and enjoyed it, and pranced around in female attire. Would these same religionist extremists have the nerve to stand up to King James?

We don't have to dress up like politicians or church going prim and proper women wearing hats and white gloves to honorous solid citizens or accepted as equals! Whether you wear a pair of lingeret, go topless, wear fabulous gowns, diamonds, gems, jewels, or walk around in holy jeans, camouflage, or slacks and shirt; your life is valid and your political and personal needs are as important as any male citizen. Your need for economic success, career success, economic value or worth is as, if not more important, because of the imbalance that exists within our society today and overall. According to the U.S. census in 2010, the most recent, there are more women who live in America than there are men, so one would be smart to question as to why most those who represent communities are male or why does economic power mostly sit in men's vaults or asset portfolios? Nurturing children or not does not make it ethical that stimulus business funds go to male owned businesses or corporate chains. Ask yourself, why there are women brushed aside at corporations when they get too good at what they do within the business, or why males are promoted at every corner instead of women most of the time? I don't need to ask why, because I know why: Because of man's lack of reasoning, logic, and his lack of intelligence and ethics. He is lacking overall in humanity and conscience and thus far has not reached his own higher excellence and self. While he has oppressed you, he has stumped his own growth as a human being, has hindered his own happiness and sense of spiritual worth, and has deprived his own mental health. Believe me, he wants to be his best self but doesn't know how, because most of his peers tell him otherwise, and women may support and tell him it is OK. This may be your boss, your college professor, your local judge or leader, your father, your husband, your brother, the generals in the military, or anyone else. When you start to understand that he may be lacking, you may start to comprehend that much of the time, he too is suffering, and does not see a way out of his own horrible tunnel vision. He is stuck in darkness and its no fun to be trapped in darkness.

The hardest part for men overall is to admit their wrong and to ask for forgiveness. They are compared to cowards and fools if they cry most of the time, expected to be courageous in the face of warfare, and are expected to fight much of the time without logic nor intelligence. Many do not understand that being born privileged because one is male is the overall part of the structure inside America. The day man is born, jobs are open, monies, business funding, and power. They do not think mostly how women may work twice as hard to earn that right, how much harder it is for women to contend with society, for most of the crimes on the streets or within organizations are committed against men. Men do not wholeheartedly think about how it feels for a girl or woman just to walk a few blocks to a job, knowing that she could be raped, and nine out of ten times, the male with get away with the crime. They do not understand that most college scholarships are going to males to fund male-orientated education, or that as girls or women, we are supposed to coddle classic rock radio, play it loud, and applaud the ongoing charade against girls and women in whatever color or shape it comes in. You can expect the males at places, such as McDonalds or other corporations to get the promotions with the higher pay, even though they may have worked less, done less, cared less than the women employees. It's part of American corporate structure and to incite change, there has to be law cases, discussions, and real action. We cannot do this unless lawyers are funded and judges are placed on those benches who support girls and women's rights. Unfortunately, as of today, most judges would find a way to find favor with male claimants and over the poor, middle class, or destitute. Money buys injustice, even though our sense of morality wants justice. Even the female judges, although look female, will behave in a misogynistic manner, for after all, they made it by siding with the men, reading male written laws, patronizing their professors, patronizing old out of date male written legislation, and so forth. So, why should they change now?

If you feel this digest is way too long, you should see the length and timeline of atrocities and crimes committed against girls and women in America. You have not begun to see reality as it has been, as it was, or as yet still to be. Nine times out of ten, if you are male and in the same profession as a woman you will be hired, whereas, she will not. If you are a musician and female, it is highly unlikely you will find work in the music industry and it is only a rare occurrence if you have or do. If you are a filmmaker, most likely, the film financing or contract will go to the male producer and a male director will direct the film. If you are a writer, you'll see that mostly male writers are chosen by publishing firms and that is a fact. Men or those in your circle, may tell you: Well, maybe you can be a secretary for a powerful male, become a teacher for children, or go study nursing. These 3 options were on the table in the 18th and 19th Century as well. But, they are not the only options. If you are stuck in that mode and really don't want to go there, don't. It takes courage to stray off the beaten path of course and people may mock, berate you, ostracize you, call you terrible names, and even keep calling you a "whore" just because you are musician, a politician in a dress showing ankles, and so forth. Yes, ignorants still do this and they sit in your government at almost every level and have done so for time memorial. They have never left. Not wanting to be considered a "Whore" you may sway from your field. If you are single, it may even be harder because you don't have a mate to back you with emotional caring. You will have to stand on your own. In the old style of thinking, any girl or woman who speaks, wears shorts, a bathing suit, dances in any costume, or has lipstick on is a "Whore". Women were so afraid to be called whores or considered prostitutes though, so they stood down oft time from their own lives, of course. The only way not to be called a whore is to become a nun, and even then, throughout history, nuns have been raped and oppressed by the men.

You can still wear a nun's outfit and be raped today. You can be totally prim, proper, virginal and still be called a "whore" by anyone from government officials, rock stars, rap stars, or the like. For the fact you are a girl or woman makes you a "whore" in their sick sense and mentality. If you need money, in itself, you are a "whore" as far as they are concerned. They use this psychologically and mentally to make you afraid to own your own power or to excel in your field. If left ultimately up to all men, women would still be sold on podiums with chains around their throats as sex slaves to the highest bidder. You'd have to perform sex acts on your master or be killed. You may even get lucky, for one may take you as his wife and you wear a decent gown or dress and do something with your hair. If you study history it was not men who changed those attitudes or rules overall. Once in awhile, you had a brother or father who did not want to auction you to the highest bidder, but you were chattel sold by fathers to the father's economic security as well. You had no right to make choices. You were a slave under the males and father in your family. If he told you to breed children for some prince or king, that was your duty and love had nothing ever to do with anything; money and assets always did and do.

March on America!

Debbie Davidsohn